nlalntiff to Day THE SYDNEY MORNING ITER A LP, TUESDAY. MARCH 21, 1911- IX "i oZTZl- aer daJo of payment STOCK, SHARES, AND MONEY. LAW REPORT. judgment for tho d-jfeotlant. BfSffiSFOESili OB WASTED.
BUSINESSES FOB SALE OB WANTED. BUSINESSES FOB SALE OB WANTED. SUBUBB. lease ID yeini, rent Uikoa tW week. .11 luell 11 "rar ly, a great chance, call lliuuice, JMOutt.
O. 1 wILUAilrl. ji IB. li, r. HOTKL.
marine auburb. aound busing. 16 vein' kw, 1 71 CKNT1UL CIUMIXAL COURT. (Before Sir William P. Culleu, Chief Mr.
Herbert Harris, Crown Prosecutor. SENTENCES. l-'enoHt Cnnninehaiii. who pleaded BANCO COURT. (Before Mi'.
JuBtlim Hly imil a Jury of four.) A DUSIN10SS UISPUTE. Anchor irimro. Marks una otnors. TIiIh cuku la atlll uulinlMtied. THE WEEK IX LONDON, AN AUSTRALIAN'S NOTES.
(FROM OL'R CORItKSPONDlCNT.) The English Schoolboy. LOaNUOM, Fobruary 17. Knr liiiiuo tinici ptttit a conlroviTny has hion 7.11 ni'U IL'VT II. ITII 11 TKSIIKNTIAk CIIAMllliltS. liiiKlmrsl, 111 is, pontion, near snipping, iw weekly, ingoing 4: Tbe order of dlBcharge waa rotuaod.
Bo John William George Slmona and Walter James Nlold. and In the separate estate or Walter James Nleld. Mr. Paasmoru appeared for bankrupt. Adjourned to April 3 to glye bankrupt an opportunity of clearing up certain matters.
MOTION UNDER SECTION 01. Ro Itobort Horatio Caldwell. Mr. HlgglnB appeared for bankrupt. An ordor waB niado for tho payment of 10s per week, to bo paid monthly for tho benefit of bankrupt'a creditors, tho first payment to bo mado on 1 next.
MHKTINGS AND EXAMINATIONS. Ro Thomas Edwnrd Sanders. Bankrupt was I to Is, 8 boarders, premises, rec. HOTEL, city, ebtablished iiitcn.Ute and tuntry con- 1 nice data, rent 7s Oil, lull alne in liiriiilurii, guilty to a charge of having on September i'J llizabuth-Mreut, iiml.T Health Act. iMIO.
Nccdhanj. ncction, 40 room, takes ilOO, cash rfft. il Stationery, with run of Him.L, city, bandy to deep-Bet. ahlppinc, Jong lease at, nKN'J'f Al. (-HAMIIKKS, Cliiirtli Hill, splendid iN "1'' ''I wk- BtncktHt.
trial WVljr, IT llll J.fc Imiisu, JO ri'iit '). pritc ilOMJ. William. "V- waniu, c-orner ponwon. any kvtuv MIIVSACUVCV.
1 COURT. (Hoforo Mr. AclInK JuhIIbo PurKuaon and a Jury of four.) SALE A ItKS'l'AllllANT. Hcunonluuu Million. lr WlnHnvor linil Mr.
llO LiiHail. lllHtrUCtOd Kolng on in tho piipors aa to wludhor tho Kng- illmM.I. KUtatH.tli.eln'Ct. -IMi ini.l 'I'l'liaiioiiiHt, retlirfiHiir Honml JJ.ll;. lu.
I Hi. ami J.Jeedhairi. iihi I'l'KV, vit.v little "nppiiitimi, tffi S.I SSI Iiull, borlM, rjrl, i Ihoin. KliMln-lli-MrwI. unrUI sr-numr Mihnrii.
very traitr, elears liah Public boy (Unit Ih to my, tlin sworn and exumlned. Tho meeting elOBed, iiruwtf iiii a xxx week can jy worked, HOTEL. lease li beer averane 8 4 PiW-t. Htt'i xxv rent 3 lita, muall loan, jiMKO. vaJuatimi.
o. Iv tt UJ.IAMS, 71 NORTH. WKKT, ono ot tint beat U-1 "lONKKCTIOSKItV, I'tmtry, Tea ainl J.iirn Ik-hi, linn coiiiiiclli'd to bp1 owing to aerfcniK illncwt; sliop hihI iloins weiik, runt 8 BjiIf-niJidly fiirriinlic; lease 0 ttun at low rent, munfl, fiirnbheil, with luklngH xtiy WH-kly, all tki drinU, beer t) -7' WIM.tAMH, 71 Klixahnlli-Mrrft. wkly, caitll XtiltlO. tlAMIJKHS AT lAHi.l(illl'l(fT, South-went, ll jenrfi lease, rmt 5, takes 75 IX bulli, ull well full ot jnriiiaiient all (kl drinka, nn onnoHilioii.
i-nth ill-'OO. ludcnre. ini-mne Ida ilu. by Mr. E.
(1. MadilockB Cohen, appeared for un(, t16 public oxaminatlon waa declared con boy at Iho (Jretit J'tibliti fichoolH) In a snob uud a Ton and a number of other thlnRti which Iho plaintiff: and Mr. Hammond, Instructed cmlc(1 Mr. L. W.
Robinson, for Iho defendant. Ro Brown. Adjourned Roso (loldworthy no ono particularly accused him of bolng until 'by by mil. i.i, s.N'0 NdlO.VALD, until March 21. This waa an action broimnt ny iieinricn llflTlll.
RliOKHRS. I' signed artlele iu Iho "Dally Mall" said that Webt, 10 years k-iise, taken 71), all tid, JtltO, OOKMI.KV and lfit (leorgc-ntrcet West nemnnn against Jumes It. Mutton lo ret.i.v... PJIU. fraudulently appropriuLeu 150, tho property of Michael Keuno, was called up for sontonco.
Tho indictment showed that tho money was given to tho accused lo pay to Isabella Gttrtou In connection with th transfer of the llcenHO of the Klllarney Hotol at Windsor. Tho transfer did not tako place, and accused fulled to return tho money to Keane. AccubciI wns sentenced to imprisonment for one year, with hard labour, lo Goul-burn Gaol. Ills Honor Intimated that If restitution wero made lie would rocommentl a re duct ion of tho sentence. George Heinrich, young man.
who wbi found guilty on a ehargy of forgery and uttering, wns sentenced lo imprisonment, wilh hard labour, for one year In Ooulburn Gaol. Tho Indictment sot out that on October 18 lust, nt Sydney, accused forged and uttered an order for tho payment ot Iti Ills I'd. Mr. James. Instructed by Mr.
W. C. Mos-loy, appeared fur tho ili-fenco. LAW. NOTICES, he waB.
cpi'. Ante. liuU'l, near fl.P.O, ui. nut ciiv c'Iiht, inrniiviT Cd'ifn vrly. ouorl tenns aiiprovcd piirchoMf.
I NKAIt CKXTHAI RAILWAY. rx That started the bull. It has been compenSal ion for alleged breach of ngrooment IIOTKL, -oimtry, 10 years' lease, rent 10. takes tbO, (nil lodircm, niruiitt! ol.l ur.hnr.1 linv nf Ik i a.f.n.l.iit fnr Ihn mirelmSO frOIH plain (iiily fiirimhcd, rent vi limn, uik IHtIT iriiac, a DargHH), JCUlfll. 1.11 tJeore-strcrt Wist.
pipMjiii'l lUhirua. noTI-J, D.ininerod and soil, that he will not playltiff of a buBlness known as the Rodfern Coffeo INDUSTRIAL COURT, (Heforo Judgo Ileydon.) ICE AND COLD STORAOE. Instructed by MesarB. Norton trmle cash iTHWO. I 1 0i i UiKe? r0' 1 Went 7 fell 1101 hotkL 'i rily wnrkeri, 4 37, If w.ll l.r-.l and lilted, sell ill about 11', (icrnilt-y and iri lleore-sireet Went.
free hoimr. THIS COMPANY WAS FORMED TO SUPPBESS USURY. orlh lri0. for htm liko a billiard table, that ho will not nf one Armstrong; also innl ie" roan rouu i.u i m- in hr. nre- Smith, und Oil bCUn Of 1 110 RVAN, HOTKL BHOKKIt 8POHtOffl.cliiunleri!, IMAJ'iil-Ht, opp.
O.P.O. TOSKl'it iuid "ilusiiH'm Agpntsi KstabUahediil ine Klnp-st, a doura from I'itt-uf- tlui'Kitioit jiuAimiNo-iioL'SE, "daTilinuiiurst. so on ad Tho parent has come In torn.cdTitli the sale'to Armstrong was com-jand Icc Company Ltd applied for the 0OB.ll- nd, HplenHiil ponitini), husiticfW improvt'd in capable immjj, IKi's, each 1100. leuw, taken 80, 2000. low rent, Iv manacod.
rent KM ClON'FKtri'lOMiUY, niiiiu slreet, oi. large picture 0 rent 2Jis, splendid bland, good trade, :15. fiOlillLKY and West, i ROCKRY, iilce'cily position, "20 worth UliO, iui( Kalefth liormley, est ml it was never completed. 'tution of a board to the pleted, Ij T. a good shiiro of tho blatno.
Hut the thins that IJ cotyvruv tiiiir.i., MoS rued a verdict tor too piuiulhl fcV 11 in ch 1- The jury IIY 32 roormt, woll furnished IhroiiRhout, low rent, old Shop, 4 rooms, rent Ufc, same il' 1i new loeal developments trade I. ill ftli-lrt f.Tl. iincf Mi.imhfrn. Mr. Croft for the Cold Storage strikes an Australian is that tho tichonl-maatiTB do not rush in anil hotly dony vriry statement.
Thoy nppr-ar to wolgh tho Htaio- CWXFKCTIOXKKV hands lo ii I'MuimiMi; imi.tte, Hiwuyn earned on ciic aml 7 vr' Irune. rent ili. takeii 20. C8fully; never anv itnn't ii.iJ A. WOLTMIU, 50 EL1ZABKTH-HTK KKT, cITV Wl (iLKRK-RtAI, tif.liiir:.
If you are seeking tlnaucial asuimanet COIM'IIV ii'Si, i.irg. i.mwn-uxiniu tin Mixed," simp, -I "in is. rent, trade lo uiiist h-11 to-day. MelroM-. I.
(nil nrk-K 6tni. pali 3mi. (reuuine bamalji. ji.y. Cn imt Kinn.iir,.i "I lUK LltY, VT for 16s.
A SOLICITOR'S CLAIM. Jacobs Cheosbrongh. Mr. Urisaenden, Instructed by Muesrfl. Garland.
Seaborn, and Abbott, appeared for the plaintiff: and Mr. C. A. Ooghlun for the de eliief mirntH, and then explain what thoy milly and Ico Employees' Union, Mr. Saunders for Iho Milk and Ico Carters' Union, and Mr.
Turner for the Federated Englnedrlvers and Firemen's Association, appeared to object. After hearing argument his Honor said that GItOCKKY, Mixed, nhop, I rooms, rent lii, iranr 20, 70, xame hands 7 venrs, toll value in utoik, genuine, nuainci COI'MKV tarni-iH h.nwe, 8 leitBe, takri JOARDl.NG-HUL'SU NOH'mSVI)VKV IM kihwI iirtim arrunjifd, 1800. 1 1 l7 H'fll'Xi raT 11 IPooms aiitifnlly furniBhert, clean, well avt i' Ji in 13 urgent maaona wmpel quirk aalc; i 'S( lotto's ra-li l'i. 'iTJLalO. CHAMBKlth, good lettins spot, city, lu MKLUOSl; 271 Crowii-stretl.
Chain hers, roo-um, rent 2tw, fendant. This was an action broumu ay he would recomnienn mo consuiuuoii ui D'hiirsl: OTIIKltS. IhtroKe, Crown-Oxf. uls. UTcTlKRY, -IJ bodied iV'hhecp," 10 lambs inoatly cash, 2CO.
James, 18 I.IiKaheth-si. TUESDAY, MARCH 2L SUPREME COURT. June Listii. Hanco Causes, tiU Jainai'-road. The Anchor Fence, Marku and others I part heard).
Nolieo to jurors engaged in the abova case are roipured. lo attend at 10 a.m. The jurors summoned to attend llauco Causes on Monday, tint JiHh insluut, will not be required lo attend mil il Wi-rtnrsdny, the 22nd itiKtunt, nt uu lionH to ho ndvei'libul in morning papers. No. 1, jn No.
2 'ourt, King-street. Kleeino Williamson, Leo Darling Island Stevedoring and l.iuhterago Company, Ltd. No. 'J. OaufeH, lu No.
Court, CaBtlca (jwrt heard), l.imtcombo Wtttnon. TiROIiUCE. Fuel. 2 horsea. 2' cur I.
s. lead. miK, clear 1 i glnuld John Jacobs, solicitor, ag.Hrst Kllzn-(board to deal with tho cold-storage ana ico-beth Ann Cheesbrough, to recover tho sum of I manufacturing industry, to include thoso cm-145 15s, said to be duo for profeasioiui. acr- ployed In freezing chambers in the counly or vices. PtalntifT'H case was that the defendant I cjumbcrlund and the districts of Nowcastlo and Ih a married woman, carrying on business at Maltland (10-inile radius of puBt-offlces), but Darraba as an auctioneer and osLato and oxciintnK those working under existing boards commission agent.
Sho nlso owned a local or UWards. Ho would recommend the bhomj-newspapcr, nnd her husband acted for her as (lon of the Cold Storage and Ico Manufacturers manager of her business. The action in respect Bourdi He would also accept one nomination nroilL 4.0 la hi illt 5 l7.ri, Is roiibideration is modcruto interest, easy iwid fair treatment. I rpiote the act mil interest the time given for repayment of the Loans. M.v ternib are for pi riod of VI moiitha, by weekly lnsialitieuW, its follows: 10 for 2 at weekly.
15 for 3 Ht 7fi weekly. 20 for 4 at weekly. AND LI TO ANY AMOUNT. pianos, SKWiso siACHiM-s, LAND, or any oilier SECURITY. Existing laris in other olllces paid off and placed on better I-ooting.
MY MOTTO IS FAIR DKALISO. The Puhlic who have had dealing with me in Hie past, I a tn suro of their confidence. Those who do not know mo I nsk to favour mo with before arraying Loan elsewhere. Otllce Hours. 60 Elizabeth-street, city, 0 B.m.
to 5 i5 Clebe-road, (ilebe, fl a.m. to p.m. ROCKRY. nnlendid position, ntiely tilted, ti ftj.
Joaeph and jlo. niKA und (JltlLi. m'SlNKSs, best and busiest position city, clear proBta ii trial given, no n-ai-dem-e, ill-health bolo cause sflling; principals only; rpfi. 120. JOSHPII, 106 King-street.
IJSH, Oyster, ris. clear pfotiu weekly, real snap, ISii. Joseph and ro. IritUlT, O'grocery, elr. proflta 2 given wuy at price, 25.
lotf King at. it litis 70 clean and naieuoie btocK ai wiu ation, about JAMli8 and IS Altl'l tjgrocery, Jeadtng Imsy centre taking! F' There? it, no doubt that English Iublic school boys do Jmvo their (trlckct pitches, well rolled for them, und a groat number of other thingw curofully dnno or prepared for them by othors which Austruliiin boys would either do for themselves or go wllhout. But, if that is a fault, what Is to blamo for It is really tho very hiffh organisation of modern Kngliah life. England's population la ho big and so organised that there If no necessity to do anything for yourself except your own special buBlness.
Every othur thins i dono by iU own particular specialists, ami If you want something dono which is not in your own special lino you go to them to do it for you. Tho whole population in divided up Into classes of specialists, and it is 'so big that a man can find all tho friends and acquaintances ho wants Jn his own particular ring of specialists, and Bpenda of which tho costs now claimed wero Incurred OOL'STIIV cheapeaf offered, 9 takes 100, jirimf. payniPiita JC2(H10 cauh 1250. COrXTKV HOTKL. ifiit 1 takes 1, 17..
i'lul HOS'ALD, 88 Pitt-st. lftil City. CtOI-Min" WeBtrrn line. Freehold and pos- fcv. tukiups over per ann, Tlrare y.iriy.
Hi'aiitifuIIv Knav ienrn I Hunler-sl, Sole AtrU (iot'Nl'l' IIOTIIL, Finiat on line, KrecholTj wild immediate posnrtKioii, 70 rooms, Kime hands wny vr-nrp. lUr takings XR-VHi per annum, all tid, cusli UKN'RV, jBlliinler-rilSnleg. COfN TI'V llOTFi, Snuiliem line, Krrelin'h, wtlh' poa-6iin, pronl Inkimra over 2mi euornions bWT iradr, all iwl. Present licensee bus made fortune, R-ire IjaBy terms. Ivnn Henry, SS ininter-at.
IVAN: HIvMtY. City" Hotel, derptea takinci C70, easH, fa Hiinter-st. 40 110, ami i.o., i.iiiuiu bi. KKI11KXT1AL H'hursl, nicely Jurnitibed, piano, 8 rooms, always well let. low rent.
In the Court of New South Wales. Monday, Mr. Kelynack said that ho was instructed to ask for two representatives. A meeting would I.S'OY GOOU8, clear profits 4 proof, value for money, lfljt, Joseph and Co price lfin. JAMIS and (..
IS jliortn-Mre; tm held that day to appoint mum. und Hotel Brokeni, 10B liing-rt, 2 dra. fmm Piu-gt. Kstab. 4d 'Phone, OFSIIJKNTIAL D'hurht, 7 rooms, rent said thnt ono would do.
leli'pnone, viiy. 20th day of March, 1011. I order that the cane or Scanloii Uanipbidl, originally net down for hearing in thn Itancn Court, be UuiwiYrrctl to No. ii Jury Court, and bo set down for hearing in the laat-mentioneil Court for Wednesday, the 2Jnd day of March instaiiL-R. M.
Hly. J. Xfc (kl, well fnrmsliril, letlrnom suites, grami i'dm- rl, Klin Rulston, Jose Central good dr. t. 00, erms, WM tion, dim.
worth money, Mr. CroTt Bald mac a me-uiuus v'" would bo held to appoint a representative that night. was againBt defendant, and ncr nusoanu retained plaintiff lu her behalf as solicitor for her In tho case; and ho (plaintiff) only Paw her on one occasion while the cane was going on, and onco in tho train. Defendant pleaded a set off as to fl 13s 2d of tho claim, and paid 12 Is Id as Btifflolent. to satisfy tho plaintiff's claim.
Tho amount of the set-off waa admitted by tho plaintiff. Verdict for plaintiff by dlreitin.i of his Honor for 124 On cxcluslvo of th-3 amount paid into court. IHH'KL, facing leading suburban raiiwnj D'hiirsl, rooms, rent lotgprs, cl. -1 10. Ralston, Searl, Chamber List.
Great Britain, Australia, or elsewhere, we Advance small or large sums on all kinds of Reversionary or other intcrtstb under Wills, Marriage Settlements, Life itsit i (in. ulwiiliilMv no nnnnNition. leaac 10 years. 22n 7 F.liz.-st rent "0s, r-fy elean, VM. M.
ChMrch-lnll, VI rooms rent 4. draws hhdtt. week, tukintr 100. well ell CARPENTERS NOT CARPKN kui. Corbett Trigg and Irons.
tor tho Amalgamated liens IS lodgers, lne. am. ideal home, 1000 r'AX lir.NHY, Hotel, industrial mibiu-b, years' r. Iter tl HtS's, CiiBli, 7l0, hH J.utitnr-st. mi grand position, i00.
RALSTON, SI-AUL, OS Kl ML Hotel, big indiitit'l II el ortli Pafalry, Uelreslunent Iti i eo and another the Council of the Municipality of Akhlield, lor stay of proceeding (part heard). mtlionotury'a Otllce- Ilcforo the Prothonotnry. In re etc, ex parte trustees of Ogilvie, dc eafrd, 11 a.m.; in re gent, one, ex parte Loiusdule, 2 p.m. Iteforu tho Chief Cleric At 10.15 a.m.: Cadcll Seiry Interests, Annuities, or money coining at me ueain of a relative or friend. But our specialty is the TVAX IIKNHY, UnU'X, 10 years' lease, beer takinits 100 wk, 1(LV, free.
58 Carpenters and Joiners' Union (Mr. Corbett Becretary) la matters ot summonses agalmu tho managers of the Moadowbank and Uyd establishments for alleged his whole 11 To in that ring practically without acquirins any knowledge of tho people who live outside that ring. An Australian may purchase of same right out in Sydney. NO DELAY. Temporary Advances if required on day of application.
Collection on commissi on. Inquiries free, tarei paid to Sydney, Every privacy. railway Maiion, splendid IVAN HI'AIIY, Hotel, nhy 5 7 MN. TiioiIi'k, free housp. (W Hnnter-at.
liPuroPVTHI, fll A MRKKS. I'lilla I'Olllt. l.ivniiwi."i hi. 1-' Ir.rn-A riinina honlll full ir limistlCll. ALL LET IN COlllltrj' Probata Jurisdiction.
The following ncconnts will bn lotel, Hiiburbitn, 10 rent 5, it rpilln well bo a lawyer himself, and yet count ihn onmontors' award in not pay- and coining in, 1 I VAX liKMtY, Hot Si'1, prcMif Li! FLATS, cood iinoino over rent, 4.5. M'AIN etion, 10 lo tioani'Ti. i.u wk. It A LSTON, SKAIi JI7 El i.abel h-ht. ('I1AMUKRS, nAlM.tNfiHUltT.
Likings 150. 5S Mimter-Kl. amongst his acquaintances a commercial CiiMloreaKh llottee, '2B CasMerraKli-slreet. taketi at tho Probntc W. Moore, lO.l'i; Freilk.
Harris, J. E. Ilulme, Hon. John Smith. 11.
30: Walluei; A. Smith. 1U. B. MURRAY and 87 Elizabeth -street (upstairs), Sydney (between King andjliinter streeta).
and Huft Drinks, unex. never t.fU ennunod. dwell, H5. 1. Henrv.
-niWSAOEXCVaird it-'HlO busy street traveller, a doctor, a draper, a hotclkeepor, a "NO. JURY COTTKT. (Before Mr. Justice Pring and JurloB.) WEN DION WENDEN. This case Is reported In another column.
A MOXEY-LEXUEB'S CLAIM. Freidmau Castles. Mr. Plckburn, instructed by Messrs. Perkins, Stevenson, and appeared for the plaintiff.
In Divorce. In No. 4 Jury Court. At 10 a.m.: Motions, re GRdi VAl IT bss i KIJY and Fuel leading low rent, good chemist, a carpenter, a drover, an army ofllecr, a stockrider, and many moro. If an English UUVATE ADVANCES prof, x.i bU).
Ivan Henry. etc. At Ji.uif L.HJ40 itat: aiargarisou margarson fpart heard), 1 truce Hiuec (Harris co rer-nnndt'iil), llarm'r llarncr, Whioley Shipley. in? award rates to men engaged In dealing with tho woodwork connected with agricultural Implements, etc. Messrs.
Trigg and Irons uppearod for the respective establishments. His Honor, lu giving Judgment, said that It was a question of Interpretation as to, tno area of the work of carpentering and where It ended Ho had experienced some dlfneuity nnw had the analogous IN A TW HOURS. AKIN'C and I.adiei,' Tailor, protlt ftOU man is a lawyer, tho chances aro there will REAUTIFKLLY Fl UNISHEU, uld eidablistied, flrst-claHfl connection. All ST UK HOLD AT ONCE, olTcr wanted. ,1.
P. LF.AOER. 2.1 Fliiheth-ftrert OARING-HOUSE; )A TI LTXOl RST. 16 ROOMS, ideal position, high tariff, AMY AYS Fl 'TX, Shn, J. P.
LEAOKR, EliiMbflli-sl reel. TvltllSSMAK 'iiHl. Ivan llenr, 58 Hunter-st, In Equity.Defure tht Chief Judge in Equity. At 10 coinpaetjriin, omy jl-wp. mm (1ROOEKY, few "mib-s out, takes 40 week, propreK.
bive districl, gooil prospects, absolute tale, iIIucki, 200. SPAIN', tt (asjerrugh-strect. DAIRY, bust" suburban businewi ever offered, H2 cows, SO "alls, dav, clear prollt 10 books open, ft50. SPAIN aiid Hunter-sl LAKK 45 Reliable a Genuine Hnsiness to suit you. Cal 1.
OX YOUR, OWN NAME. wrmouT SECURITY. 'oUtoi'9, good lease. TKIKI) and Chin PoUi lT ir-tits i.i dwelling. iienry.
uunter-sc Hyman Lobol Froidman: and Air. I'orry, instructed by Mr. J. D. Sly, for tho defendant, Westley Castles.
The claim was for 2400 for money lent and Interest. Tho defendant, who Is a contractor. a.m.: rainier Kickaru, motion lor order de noim ease; Sharkey Tcefy (part heard before Mr. Justice Street, No. 1 Jury Court.
10 Klsinore Moroney. At a.m.: M'Cauley llamam fpart heard). Reforo the Deputy Registrar. At 11 ii. in.
Perpetual Trustee Company ilyiiian, to tax rhino unnie, ditto. nf ih'n wnndworkine industry. It ADVANCES MADE ON FURNITURE (no publicity), Horses and carts, deems oe land, easy terms of repayments, applications strictly confidential. "VEWSACIFSCY. Absolule kmi Run, CIIAM1IEHS, was ctuimed by Mr.
Corbett that thoso work- nm i.nHAf tho hmidinir of "carpenters, 5.MX) papers, good sliop, tte libiary, V-Vi volumes, ilily. guild dwelling, pre- stock rid pianola. fittings, splendid lm set up that tho Interest charge was exceBBlvo. full b-st-cla nnrl Ihn 111(0." Woodworking divided In Hunkruptcy. At 10
Ilcfore the Registrar. CALL DR WHITE. Wl' Cenlral. I.i AO aguiiis, 7 Mount eiuon-sireei, 1'orest Lodge. telephone, etc, low rent, house guests, irit terms if you LAKE 45 Elizabeth-btrect, On one amount 4o per cent, was cuargcu.
The case stands part heard. be amongst his personal acquaintances no one outsldo of his own class. The very suburb In which ho llveH will contain practically nothing but a circle of professional and business men. It Is all part of a very high division of labour. But, although the result is that many things nro very well done because the men responsible for them spend tholr IIvoh doing that and nothing else, the system also renders each man rather helpless when ho Is thrown into a position in which he has to do for himself work that has generally been done for him.
iispir into a threat many classes, and it was BAKKHY, XORTHKKX 1.1XK, liands 8 years, r.ipi'lly-jrritwiiiir dislrkt, trade 2Itr0 loaves at uA ilu snullgotKU Meekly, full working plant, 11 Jjoises, 2 cans, a burgatn, 270. lL JtltKTVM-L nnd 5 Hunter-street. ON'ki'i'TlOXKRY, Viiitryietc7 eaTne hands 4 years, s'lili-inbd position, large nhop, tip-top fittings, heavily striked, koimI resirlenrc, rent 2nc, takings 20 nUKTNALL, Hinter-jitreeL Mied, Scliuol Reqiiisites. opposite large Pnldir Sebnul, no opposition, Lakings 25 weekly, htavily stm ked. saerilln, iK 11.
IIKKTNAI.L and 5 Hunter-street. T. MITCHELL. 184 Phillip-street. Privale Entrance up and Investment Ltd, Other3, all priees.
Corner of King-street. ulilc keep man ami wife, ant. absurd to Bay that tho board meant to indicate ihn, .,11 thnon mon wnrn carnentera. As soon iKOCKRHS, grand position, all lalcsi yy tJ) Oriental bacon, IU" as woodwork boeamo factory and machine Havton butter and lolly scales, slocK. at cost 10 I '7' "ORIVATE LOANS TO ANY PERSON Ci PERMANENT it- to dubb away ironi Llic price, und only J.
lot abt. 135. Lake. 45 rms. ll'A Ml I outdo want re lied Coined.
Bus. in ub- Motion to hi sella rpo rat ion tinier: Aiiwri: Herbert Wright. Single meetingri and puldie examinations: Austin Oswald Lake, Albert Miller, Frank Raines and Cjnis Hopkins, Rose (Joldworthy llrown. Examiiiatioii under faction H0: William Henrv PpIhIcv; at Vi noon, Alulutlaii Hannah. Itclora the Chief Clerk.
At a.m.: Re E. Goodrich, taxation of petitioning creditor' costs. At 11 a.m.: Ite II. L. VateA, taxation of ollioial misU.
DISTRICT COURT. EMl'LOVJitM-, nnpnonirtp nnx and case work ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT SECURITY. N'o wk' and anv trial i iVl up to .30. Way. 70 Xorthun.Mand-av, rnMr'pina wn.
tn ooint. The men who IN EQUITY. (Beforo Mr. Justice A. II.
Slinp3ort, Cliief Judgo in Equity.) AN ORANGE PROPKTY. FATHER-IN-LAW ANI SON-IN-LAW AT VAP.IANCI3. Sharkey Teofy. Mr. Harvey, instructed by Mr.
S. B. Cook, HAM and PUOYISIONM, good rPsidenre, full plant, did i hat. work wero not carpenters. Neither riivtiirrt-frjimorH in factories.
Under a gift, U50; others, ull prices to '--000, to select from, TT A YOU "a Hnsiness bearing investigation for Salu' LAliK 43 Elizabeth-street XX send me particulars. Buyers are watting. nAFK, beat city position," patronised by' busin." men, PRICE, ty. all best 3-course, ftd, 15010, 43 TANTEll, Residential, Harlinghurst, tip to 120, XT "any trial, owner Vmustln de.m. PoslHlee.
XX retiring, sacrifice 30; others, all priccB, irom vrrXxTEl), nice l.odtiing-iioue. tuiit be in Id M-i tion, to 1000. LAKE 45 Elizabeth-street. ubout .0. Melbourne, Oxford-st Post -oHicn, Before Judge Murray find Juries, in No.
1 Court. takes, furniture-makers, eublnotmakers, who carried joiners' work to Us limit of skill, coaebninkers, tramcar and pattern makers omnlnved In soDaruto Industries appeared for plaintiff: and Mr. Langer Owen, K.C., Mr. Charles Manning, instructed by Mr. M.
A. Coney, Orange, (by governed by separate awards. That showed how 30 wwkly, a girt, itu. lUMrN.I.L.5 nunler-atreet VjXF'KL'i'inN KItY Pasin-, Tea and laineheon Rooms, Ulirt pohition, busy tiioroughfare, Hhowing a sure 5 werk clear profit, splendid piemiaes, aiicrillco 125. Illtl-ri'NALL adcaJuntertreet.
ATVmtY. Kline haiida 10 years, takinga 13 weekly, horse, carl, shirt and collar machine, good plant, Jinte premise, cheap rent, a sacrihee, VL15 Hunter-street "yi-ar takings week, Jj good stiop anil rcMdeiiec, Barrili. Jj0. I). MKKTNALL and Ilnntet-fltreeU I ALSO LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, CKW1NU MACHINES.
ON VERY EASY TERMS, und Low Repayments, WITHOUT POSSESSION or REGISTRATION. Existing Loans taken over and placed on better footing. GIVE ME A CALL, OR WRITE. HERBRTTDLETl'Buirs-chamberfl. J4 Moore-afreet REVOLUTION IN MONEY-LENDING.
NOT TO CRUSH, BUT TO ASSIST BORROWERS, JOEL rillLLIPS gar IS THE TALK OF SYDNEY FOR LOW INTEREST, CIVILITY, straight dealing, and money sharp. I CHAKQE 2 FOR EVERY 10 ADVANCED, REPAY- III In 1-1 UOVTIK nnn HI A Kl 1-4 S.IIHUI.' 1ITY Ilalrdrehser's and ull best stock and fit-. VTTAXTE1) Pun haso, small Milk or Butter Run, Umld-J tings, See this, 130. Lake I ford, sur'ding distMr. P.O., ATNl)RYrtiopti7ud, trade 0 25; others, 7AXTE1, a Hoard ing-limise, 10 "to 14 per.
Iioarders, 30. 00. 75. 100. all prices to .1000.
cd. stand invoMigation. Buyer. Herald. A Tragic Sequel.
Two of the incidents which have been touched on within the last few months in this letter have had their sequels tho one a tragedy, tho other a comedy. Tho llrst Is tho incident of "Harriet," whoso private letter to a butler asking for a supply of society gossip for American papers, was published in "Tho Times" lately. After that letter had been published other letters from "Harriet" to people whostayed woodworking Hud Deen spiu up. in ownrd It was ugreed that carpenters should bo men who worked on house-ounuing, UNNE and 11 ELIZABETH-STREET, have LAKE 45 liliwiDetti-Hl, uuBincBes, find iohiers who worked at DOUCneB weir At 10 a.m.: St. Ceonrc Clarke and ottiers (part heard).
Not before a.m.: Gibnon ChriHtian. Note. Ttie jurors, other than those ensnigod in the time, need not atti-nd until 11. SO a.m. Iteforc his Honor Judges Seholet, En No.
2 Court. -At 10 a.m.: Cassidv Dire, Mulronev the Council of the Shire of Warrinirah. Nide. Tlie list will be called ever punctiiallv nf 10 n.m. Ib'fore the Reiriitrar.
At n.m.': Wilson ats. Wright and another. INDI'MTRTAL REOISTR Mt'rt OFFICE, lefore the Indnstrial RegiMtrar. At lO.nil a.m.: For he.iring: M'oodwirkers' award, application by II. Ferguson and Sheld'-n; bricklavem' award, application by Jenkins; aerated watern nwurd, npplicutinn by A.
Phillips. At II n.m.: Clothimr (cutlers and trimmers) awn-d. In' S. Purinody, enulne Huyers waiting, lintels, l.anii, r.staie, bargain, 12 leaae, Tooth's, all clean XJ added. lie did not remember any evidence XX furn.
This in a ana'p for homeone, 300. Ynrions rtutchering. Orocvry, Stationery. Chemists, Restaurants, rAIH'HV, Hofrnuiig's-chuni bers, Ifl3 1'itt-at, next to being given then regarding factory worne. lacking at the terms of the woodworkers itry Hotels, all priees.
LAKK 43 hliiwbctu-st. Uoaniing-hoUMes, CoiiJitryJ his agent3, Messrs. Curtiss and Hurry), lor, tho defence. i This suit was brought by Michael Sharltey against his father-in-law, Michael Teefy, and had reference to the Greengate Hotel, Orange, and a farm in the locality. In regard to which the partios had dealtngu.
For plaintiff it whs claimed that he retained nn Interest in the farm, but defendant denied this, and said that plaintiff had absolutely parted with his Interest in it. There had beian previous litigation between tho parties in regard to the mniter Plaintiff asked the Court to declare tr. If 1. 1. 111.
si I 1" K11UM. II 1'O'u III award, he could not see anything thnt con frTOTEL. watendde suburb, good lease, rent i. 3 laree rooms, stable, low rent, au iave a Buyer for a good hi m- oUier JjECURITIES. LARGE AMOL'NTS at LOWER aerved or had somo professional business templated factory work at all.
In the nrsr this wqr faetorv work. In Victoria it was treated as a separate Industry by the I of wor. flrod may do business with me. THE ACTUAL LENDER, 1 "to tho press from evory sido. Some of UPON MY NOW FAMOUS LOW RATE, with every the more sensational newspapers sent out re-secrecy? NO FINES or other charge.
Repayments I tn to suit borrower. porters to hunt "Harriet" down -Bhe was said to bo staying at tho countrv house of some In. week, Iradc 7 easily worked, price 000- ani no opposition, a bargain for with ttu.iover up to per annum, and in- BOTrb sTilendid cllv position, heavy traffic centre, all prices. LAKE 43 KlizahetiVstrppt. lVitp seller to commnnieate with us at onee.
Contl- trad'e averages 's takings 1'20 weekly, MILK pricei." jdential. 'Hie Company, S3 Pitt-street. miwlern iremised, price Kijznbeth-sL A DVERTISEIt has 100 to Invest In Mixed Business, BOTEU main thoroughfare, rent 3 10s week, trade 6 LTH AOENCY, 113 Yickery'schambew. JTi.good locality. A.
William-st 31's weekly, all bur trade, I Nft jju wnat the nature of your BUSINESS, T7ANTKR, Small Buair.esa, corner shop piTferred, up BOTKIi. city, lease 7i years, trade averages 6 do if yf)u wjs (o gp)1 i(( jjpnd ve investigate, jn agents. Keen. P.O., weekly, net profits 400 per annum, BOUnd anj reasonable we advertise it FREE rt TAXTEB, Hairdressing und Tobacconist Business, employers, a position acccpteu ny inn em ninv.f.R nnd ho kiiw bv the nanors that ther; w.k il titrlko tn the industry. In the second 1 that dofendant held tho farm only as security SOX SUES FATffKE.
nlace it did not appear that the work doni far NOTE ADDRESS: V0 CASTHKREAGn-STREET, 1 1 frinftB wuh nronerlv carpenters' work. The men door EOTKL, commanding corner Hi sjoneys miMv, CHARCfB unicag Sale is effected. Buyers, call.W town or country, up lo Herald. iron) lung-street, ncrt to uaoer a jwnropoiiiaa i sive sumau, iv 'nnm nd jnepect. Lirtte Pitt-streeU TF you hove a ficnuine Busini tne end Bbe was apparently brought to bay.
In ono Interview Bhe was Bald to have ex ss for Sale send particu-1 Castlereagh-Bt. 1.. 1 1,0, ITTOTEL. BROKING, OEXERAL BCSIXESa, and in-X lars to Martel ami -Jtl vnrv'i Vent ill lik witk Ukintra 40 suranco Agency, old offered thro. faUing "7aSTE.
to Buy, a BUTCHERY BCSIXESS. T. Scott, BOTLIa, city area, 1 nt 3 Jl wh taKinga lktin(r Buoll HOtllld jjood prospccta, ccn- v.l Oxfonl-sl. Newtwn. dealt with wood which was shaped for them by machines, and attached it to iron.
They preserved the name of carpentering for tho occupation, but it was factory and repeat work, nnd a lad brought up to It. although ho might be able to earn his living at it alone, wnnlii never become a canenter. Ho hold Hotel. All comniiuucaUona receive immediate alien tioa.TeL,I37. i ii VERSION A II INTERESTS AND INTERESTS J-V UNDER WILLS, both English and Colonial.
Advances made thereon; or, il such interest will be right out. EstablMied 1SS-'. plained that iho letters were all part of a big joko. That explanation was not altogether f.n. rent weefc.
taltUKTS "'J -1 1 'AA I I'-l' 10 rurenase. uu. ih- BOTKL, siiburlm 100(1 oaners. X.Y.Z.. Y.M.
P.O. -mil Ki ell. JJNn 1- IHiniL, 11.11. inmr, prolital ''il? mTANTEH. "'small Coiifectiotierv or Mixed or lcace COUN'I'KY HOTEL, tlnuri-hing town South, for the payment of certain moneys advanced bv defendant and otherwise usked for roller The case stands part heard.
(Beforo Mr. Justice Street.) A CLAIM FOR AN ACCOUNT. M'Cauley and another Hanson. Mr. Maughan, instructed by Messrs.
Makln-son and Plunkctt, uppearod lor the plaintiffs; and Mr. J. A. Browne. Instructed by Mr.
W. H. Drew, for the defendant. Plaintiffs, Frederick John M'Cauley and John Pattersou (trading as the Sydney Electrical Knglneering asked for an Inquiry beforo tho Master in Equity as to tho amount lit any) duo to them in connection with nn agreement between Patterson and defendant. They also asked for an injunction to restrain defend- W.irs.
externum week, iT AUNDRY, rent Od, dwelling, turnover 12, pro-l fur a lady. No agents. Irst-class busi-," rare cbancp, 11. Harris. 7tf Pittst EU8y rent.
Apply miistaniial building, Well furnlnhed, first- that tho work, therefore, was not Included in the expression in the schedule "carpenters and joiners and the like," but even now could not iiive a general decision on all points of Sydney. 100. Ad- uitl, Hihi, rrtit Ills, itwelllnir 1 iv.l i.rn iinanii. HARRY C. ELDERTOX, 18 Norwich-chain hers, 3R Hunler-street, STARR Bowkett Appropriation tor Sale, drew ojlenito 637, HeraM OfHce.
TRUSTS" FUNDS fo" trade fiO n.w 100. IL Harris, 76 Pitt-st X7ANTEB, cash Business. 4 Welleslcy- 'nterhrf. accepted, but tho little sensation had pretty well run its course, and tho papers and tho outside public were forgetting about It when tho following appeared In one of tho dally newspapers: "Miss Christina Steedman, the writer of the remarkable 'Harriet' letters, was on Saturday last removed to a nursing homo for tho mentally afflicted. The daughter of a farmer living at Hayes Hall, Fillorjg-ley, Warwick, Miss Steedman engaged In icrrace, enrpentoring which would be a final guide for LEXI) lears 000 per aununi, 830.
I1HEN, yi I'itl-treel, next' lo O.P.O. DARLINGHURST, Twenty Furninhed Rooms, Kightceu Boarders, 400 Half Cash. GARDINER. (Shipping AdverHsements rnnlinned on Page 2.) AT FOUR PER himself and others aB to tho meaning or tno words "tho like." Tho summonses would bo on Security of City or Suburban Freehold or Leasehold Properties, und on country Securitiea, consisting of Broad Acres, such as Dairy Farms, Stations, etc. REFRSHM.
Rooms and Confcc, rent 2 6s, trade 13, profila price 140. 11. Harris. 7fl Pitl-sl, NlSWa'AOENCVr Newtown, rent 16s, csU 20 block run, 7000 papers price, quick sale, 650; shop, 6 rooms. kiL, horse, sulky, and harness.
Hoarding N. Syd 2 min. fr. ferry, rt. 2 7a (kl, est.
6 gd. tariff, always full, tennis court, beaut, view, up-to-date will tell cheap; good reasons for selling. rent 23s, -total Ikes. 43. est.
Tvroflts 8 clear. 4 nrice. dismissed. A FURTHER EXEMPTION. CatlPjeagli House, corner Cantkrcagh and Hunter sts.
CLAIMS '3000 F0K ASSAULT. VERDICT FOR 1000 DAMAGES. An extraordinary caso occupied the attention of Mr. Justlco I'ring ami a jury of four yeHlerday, a son suing Ills father lo recover .1000 for an alleged nssuuli, the result tit which was to practically destroy the Bight ot his right eye. Mr.
Broomfield, instructed by Mr. F. A. Davenport, appeared for tho plaintiff, Aubrey Ernost Woiiden; nnd Mr. tlanuon, K-C, and Mr.
Mocntta, instructed by Mr. D. M. Myers, for tho defendant, Eutacu Henry Wendeu, of Mob man. The plaintiff sued by his next friend, W.
A. C. Bone. Tho defendant did not uppear. and it was stated on his behalf that he was absent ut the bedsido of his wife, tho plaintiff's raothor.
who was seriously ill, and ut point of death. An adjournment was asked for by defendant's counsel on this ground, but It was refused by his Honor. It was stated on behalf ot the plaintiff that his mother's Illness was due to thu conduct ot the dofendant, who never came home sober. It was also stated that the mother wished tho uetion to go on. Defendant pleaded not guilty.
Tho plaintiff's caso was that ho was 20 years l'i nicely furnished rooms, pre- BiMltlHNli-HOl hi'iit bauds we ali-o have rrivaie aioneys wo can imvaneu Weatherlmard Properties, Vacant Laud, and on DEPOSIT OF DEEDS, SCRIP, Etc. JAMES CARROLL awl COMPANY, 10 Huuter-street. rs, jczm; lerms requirru. OARUIM.Ii, Castlereagh House, Hia Honor's attontlon was directed at the close of tho Court to the existence of another award governing cold storage employees, and journallstlc work for some years, but for taome ant, until the termination of the suit, from time has had periods of Irresponsibility. Her proceeding with a common law action to re-friends declare that the lettors written in the covep 15 duo to hlm for Kooda supplied.
Thotie, Vita Ljy. ty position, 15 'ur- 260. Owner leaving for Eng- on the application of Messrs. Norton, Smith, KWIDEN I IAL jiood STOCK, SHAEESAND MONEY. USTRALIAN" MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY? ti.
RATES, TOLLS, OR DUES OF PUBLIC COMMISSIONERS, TKI STS, OR CORPORATIONS. at irttitrcn ininDpiLT TWi nn INTEREST. Tho defence waa that nothing was to ii'i wecklv aoi) I afo- nave ulao urug. Houses, tiotcis, utxea uuhi- and Co. he exempted employees and employers IsllL'd I'OUliid, CAIIUlNEIt.
under the award governing that Industry, dated rpjtUST FUNDS. Large and Small Sums to Lend on -L Mortgage or Building Loans, city nnd suburbs. low Interest, no commission. O. A.
BAVES. Solicitor and Notary. Stork Eehnnge-bnildin(r. 113 Pltt-sireet. Cartlercagh House, corner CistU'reagli id Hunter sta.
to nieet buyers. M.ACKEXZ1K and 127 King-sttcet. "iOliXTHY HAIKDRIKSIXO and UILL1 VltD HALOON'. Juno 25, 1309. and any amendments tberoof, thu plaintiff, and that tho contracts which formed the basis ot tho claim had resulted in heavy losses.
Tho suit is still part heard- SOVN 'l'i: KUM.US am from the operations of the new board to deal wekly tkgs. 66 13s Od, beautifully titled, price V.I. hN 1 handvi I'tV aOlJOIIUCU WlOU linil nice iwurutf, by instalments. J. G.
Read, 23fl Pitt-st. 2S8.i. iikiiT Hid. HARIJIXER. CabtJereatlh rnRITKT FI'NDS to Iend on Morteaire.
Read anil eornrr CastUreairb and Hunter Btreeti. 1 OTEAM LAUNDRY, completu plant, tdiowing as per J- Read, Solicitors, enrner Hunter and Cnntlereagli ht- Bookseller, and Fancy tioods, comer Jil'A'l lONEIiY. The Society's New Mortcaire Deed contains a condition 1200. DUDLEY HENRY, 136 King-street. 2fi0.
busy Birecls, stock, fittings. OI ri'intj'HH l' nrvoitCE court. (Heforo Mr. Justice Gordon.) NOWLAN NOW LAN. In tho part-heard case of Joseph Gabriel liARDIXlJl, Caatlercagh Housp.
TESpEXTIALCIlAMlitlW. well furnished, bet post-. "'l rian year wiUiout notice with the industry. DISTRICT COtJRT. (Beforo Judge Murray and a jury of four FATAL SHOOTING ACCIDENT.
THE "TOYLAND" CASE. Campbell Grace Brothers. Mr. O'Reilly, Instructed by Mr. John uon U'nursi iteigms, ai let in sou-coniaincu imu.
Price 300. DUDLEY HENRY, 136 King-street. 1 inn A Meeks. M.L.C., Chairman; of ago, and on September 3 was employed in tho Nowlan Susan Nowlan, his Honor reserved AUNDRY for Bale, up-to-date plant, comprising 2 Stmator the Hon. .1.
T. Walker, Deputy t'hairman; I r.tln. UKehinao 1 U'mhKn COin Wtna.ii 11.,.. Itnrim. M.L.C..
Manirle. 1 Centrifugal Hot Room Boiler, Horse. Waggon, ii Black. M.L.C.'the Hon. F.
U. Winch- judgmitit. BUCHANAN BUCHANAN. Mr. Mitchell, instructed by MeBsrs.
Sly nnd CUtOCERY and Provision Store, lnkingb 30 weekly, railway suburb, stink, plant, UAltlirXEK yttrreagh Honw. poXbTCl'lOXERY, 'wk'iiTgi J.13 runt 20a, 60l V1 (JAltDIXEH, tutlrrcat'h House, corner CaMlereagh and Hnntfir Eta. Ij CLEARIMi i0 A WEEK. Sacrifice through scrniia operation, 700. THOMAS and SOX, J2 Casllernicb-it.
f. (' Afln in Knfii. Y.VAl.. h.C. trndtt 30.
M. DE P. COMPANY, 138 ASTLERE A H-STR EET, corner of Park-slrecf, SPECIAL NOTICE. hist omers have the advantage of a sidit entrance, through a estibule next door (No. Park-st rcef, fhusnfftrding Hhaiduto privacy.
WANTED to'liorrow, 15(10, at fi p.c, for 3 yearn, on PnniiTiy at Roso Bay, worth 11000; no valuation, fee paid mlesB loan effected Money, EdrreclifT P.O. A TASTED," LOAN, 20, "for days, tWa interest paid, reliable. 644, Herald. Carroll, appeured for plaintiff; and Mr. Alec Everything in flrst-daas order.
No agents. Thomson, instructed by Mr. J. R. Baxter ncnoral Manager and Actuary, RICHARD TEECE, F.I.A., F.F.A., KS.S.
Uead Olliec: 57 Pitt-street, Syflney. H. W. APPERLY, FrcTPlary- Russell, appeared in support of a petition fllod by Ethel Buchanan (formerly Hunt), an Box 17tW. -Bruce, for defendants.
ii.pLo. tITCllER Y. casli. 4bodfe8. 30 'alieep, 13 Umbs.
all i nm was un ucliuu uiuugnt uy uewis v. ump actress, tor a divorce rrom Harry uuchanan. an actor. Tho ground of the petition was mis YOU HAVE TO PAY bell (administrator ot tho ostato of William i (3 crop). 2'p helccled cows, best pre- applfuncea, 200.
BUTCHERY, cash, turnover 73 conduct with un actress. Tho parties R. Campbell, deeeased), of 47 ultlmo-road, mud Svdnev CllliIU'iiLier (sicam trcart, vcu- nn kvui I is 2 for KVKUY 10 ADVANCED, repayable j. bo L'Uk'IlY J'lO AIJV rWJjauio dor ft a i iiTflKild. anv al! milk sd, I Dairy, 0 cows, "'C i twkLVK UOSTUS.
lor Lou on or any Ultimo, carter, against Albert Edward Grace, 14 kU THOMAS and SON. John Neal Grace, and Juliet Grace, trading as 130. BUTCHERY'. Ii bodies, llfii reawinable security iwiinoui jjv Ml'''V. .71 ju tn lis, low rent, son.
Annlv to me. and I will jmmeuiaieiy ma.e sheep, 0 lambs, 100. We can also give particulars Grace Brothers, of Broadway, Glcbo, mor BLOCKED NEWS AUEN'cY, outside suburb, 1800 p.ipen, horse and carl, 130; being completeljr jy. mbcr of other busitipBsc which we arc pre- chants, to recover compensation in connection iiioiheil, ti inereiise rapidly ouipuc uno vaiue. office of Messrs.
Kent, Brierley, and Sully at a week. He came home to study, and before his father reached homo plaintiff opened telegram from his mother addressed to hijj father. Ho was helping the manservant to wash-up In the kitchen, when his father came homo in a halt-drunken state, a tut wanted to know who hud opened the telegram. H1b father wus very angry and excited. Plaintiff told him ho had.
Later on. pUintiff said, tho defendant camo into tho kitchen, and threw a flifhina cheese-cover at him. This hit the wall, und rebounding struck hlm in the eyo, nlmost blinding him, and eauslug him great pain. Ho had to go to a prlvato hospital, whero he remained for Bomo considerable time. The medical evldenco was thut the sight of the eye had boon practically destroyed.
The jury, after an hour and a half's retirement, returnod a verdict for tho plaintiff for 1000 damagos. It was directed thut 0u6 of the amount should be Invested on behalf of tho plaintiff till ho reached tho ago of 5 years. an Advance: also pay oH any Loan at the above rate. NO FIXES, CHARGED. 1E0.
W. GODWIN, 60 Cast lereaorh -street, three ooora rrom King-street, city, oppoaUc Theatre Royal. prepared to finance, and arc sole agentB for. The Com namo of 'Harriet Churchill were due to her unhappy condition ot mind." The Dartmoor Shepherd. The second Is tho incident of tho Dartmoor Shepherd.
Tho Chuncollor of tho Exchequer, Mr. Lloyd George, in his speech at Mile End, which was reported in the "Herald" of December lil. and which now ranks about sonond amongst what bis opponents call his "Lime-houserlcHi" in an imaginary explanation to Australians of what a House of Lords was, used an illustration that has since bcconio famous. His second quality of Lords, he explained, was that which had appropriated at the time of tho Reformation the property of tho monasteries consecrated to feed tho needy and attend the poor. "And thoy are tho people," ho went on, "whose descendants hurl at us the epithets of robbers, thieves, spoliators, becauno wo daro put a halfpenny tax on tho land they purloined.
Tho Home Seorotary (Mr. Winston Churchill) and I tho other day paid a visit to Dartmoor. On the bleak, mist-sodden upland there was an old man of 5 in tho convict garb. Ho had boon sontenced to 13 years' penal servitude, because, under the inilucnco of drink, ho had broken into a church poor-box and stolen two shillings. (Shame.) Tho next timo 1 am called a thief and bt robber by one of tho descendants of thoso noblemen becauBo I propose a tax upon tho wealthy I will say: 'You aro living upon tho proceeds of tho poor-box which your uncostors "The old Dartmoor prisoner," the account in the "Herald" went on, "hB since boon released by Mr.
Churchill. Hut it Is characteristic of Mr, Lloyd George's speeches that, whilst hi arguments wero brilliant, tho factm were that the old prisoner had had nine previous convictions, und that 10 years of I mum An aad afirjcreagn-sc. with the recent shooting accident at a gallery controlled by defendants servants, by which mercial iietenee no lempie i ourt, Ring-strwu rb, about 100, at Room, boarders, BOOT Hti-inrss, liril-cl. anin valiiauon; rare chance to man can do rcnairs. a boy, plaintiff son, William H.
Campbell. flONFEC, Pastry, Tea and Grill taken, favourite surf-bathing re I WTEDTO PTJECHASE. JEFT-OtP CIA)TIUNa BUYERS. i Mr. and Mrs.
WOOLF, of 112, 114, and 115 Bathu retired, respectfully inform Ladies and Gentlemen that they are the oldest and most reliable Wardrobe Dealers In Uie State, and are prepared to allow the utmost value for every description of LEFT-OEF CLOTHING, Purtmaiiteaux, Trunks. Old Gold. Artificial Teeth. report, 7 well -furn. A LOAN OFFICE.
was instantly killed. VSTAKT.ISHEn AR YHAR3. i mu.m is ana uburljan, rem 101, irooij lease, trade 'r. tad out for In his claim plaintiff set out thut defendants owing to linens will accept fair offer, rent 3a8. BltODRlBB, 772 Oeorge Htret, lUyjnarkt.nt floor.
HOTEL, 'free, "few'miles out, "lease It low rent, taklnPTi 23. well '50. Will advanen 1H. 'i'io. May, ftPark-st.
wero possessed of certain place of amuBO' my Inti'reat Ruaranteeil the city, busy thorouirtuare, trade 83 week. lease 31 years, 1100. May, Park-sL BRODUHtB, 772 Ceorge-fltrect, Haymarket, 1st floor, advertise. ment named "Toyland," nnd received the said William R. Campbell into "Toyland" for reward, nnd thereupon the defendants, by their Silver Plate, Linen, ete, All letters and apopint- Lll aL my vukk, i win one liour.
"TJUTCHERS. Special opportunity, suburban trade, 2 BcrvuntB, conducted themselves so negligently lodlra, at i-lirrp, oil utenalla, new Iceliome, np-tiH to any IIKS1 uisIULB PERSON IN shop, low re nt 22 Od, cood rosi.lenre, 100; I pViu, J7vn- Jvm m-M? vr date HOTEL, few miles out, 5 nerca land, rent trade -Ji). full .13 I'nrk-st. "OXFECTIONKRY, trade doiihtid, main street, May XI Park-st. E'lVllKltY, doing 4 hbeep" and sundries, horse and carl, must cell.
S3. May, Park-st. ti0 down, balunce I5s wkly. Any investigation; proof triide. COMMERCIAL DEFENCE ASSOCIATION, lit! down, lialanco wkly.
Any Invrstifation; proof, in and about "Toyland," und In and ubout conducting the shooting gallery therein, and supervising tho Bamo, and in providing proper King-ntrcot. ments punctually aiLenaca 10. aficase ouservc our only address. Telephone, 4152. IEFT-OFF CLOTHING PURCHASERS.
Mr. and Mrs. MITCHELL, 145, 147. Ull Bathurst-ctreet, respectfully inform Ladies and Gentlemen that they still continue to give extreme value for every description of Ladies', Gentlemen's, and Children's Left-off Clothing, Uniforms; also Household Furniture, in large or small quantities; Bed Linen, Plutedware, Old Gold, Artificial Teeth, Burs, Trunks, Ladiea' riiantrimr for mournimr lilfeape nine. means or maKing the shooting gnllerv safe 6 for 1 4 Weekly, for 6 10 for i 4 Weekly, for 13 Montha.
15 tor tu Weekly, tor 12 20 for 4 8 Weekly, tor 12 25 for 5 V0 Weekly, lor 12 Moo" 50 lor 76 Weekly, lor 12 Monlna, And upwanla to any allioililt. that tho said W. R. Campbell was shot and ERY. Drcssinakiiig, trade 10, sell for valua- iif ntk, May, LJV' Paik-sU tl nwiina, with good stabling, trade POLICE COURTS.
Kiticu. pinintnt claimed 400. rent its, 73. May. Park-sl- HOTKL, suburban, tiuperior home, leaso ye3rs, easy rent, beer trade 12 Wl xxx, takings from 105 to 120, paiuenui to brewer.
250 per monllt, clean) 1000 per aim. alter ull expenses paid, 2500 cash; principals only. Oenuine buyers who want a liil investment write. liumliuBS, don't worry. Eri.IPSK, Post-otjce, ewtown.
Wl also supply other colonies. letters and paavls It appeared that tho boy, with others, during lunch hour from Rehool, entered "Toyland," and paid a small admission feo to the shooting gallery. While there a number of boys were CRUELTY TO A HORSE. Frank Eagles was proceeded againat nt the podding" ton Police Court, hefnro Mr. if i EVIDENTIAL CIlAMBEitfe.
Uarlingburst, accom. 31, 11 very lge. rn.s.. newH- rt. 42.1, price tl-St 1 1 Nf 1 1 i I It -h re "iftvi'v" w'i'ii'v l.i,vi,..
jjb hnnf nhiirh. nl. I 8180 ijenu upon rurniiure, i Motor Tare (without pusaeaaion), )ee laind, Diamonds, Jewellery. Trade Bill, diteoiulted daily. Alao Bond Cerlincalea.
Carta, lli'rars, fculIM cruelly illtrcatefl a home. Defendant pleaded guilty. It lmmeuiateiy attenacu u. we send ao representative. Telephone, 4343.
IEFT-OFF CLOTHING BUYERS. Mrs. and Mi i LEWIS will allow the utmost value for unv kit Ixian, paid off Irom otner omcea. rrajiia attended to. M.
JOSEPH, 100 KINO-STREET, 8 Doors from Pitt.atri!et. I'Uone. 18411 Coto. Blind Jwi-ll" It. 2M, irado 10, pr.
A LKXANIJEB, Hotel Broiler, 1 IilliB-Htropt. (Knap. M.KJIMISO, Si "old, Oxford-81, takra rpiit 40a cash Hotel, new building, Tooth'a, fortune richt man, aUtilXHi. )im I iwj Pill i i Unlei. 1-autcrn II t.l 10.
takes 45, 650. 'iljo. .1. I- 8. I ntf) hrHrt 0 isi.
WANCV lilTOIlS, TOYS, lilt. Ill-art ot dty, clear pro- I0 t. 150, 1500. of Ijcll-olf Clot lit Trf Iters and tElcpIiouc promptly DVANHEtt upi'li Eurniture all flames oi ae- ai.iPiiucu. inai soiiciicu.
r- 1., 4U (iiutio, TliAR ANTRAL "HAILWAY A1 eurtly, alai to anyone in pei omneii. -i- CLOTHING BOUOHI' to nnv amount. Mr. and his ticnlcneo wore what ia culled preventive wero married on t'enruary aa, lytii, at San Fraticlsco. Tho case stood over till Thursduy for further evidence.
DO LEY DOOLEY. Mr. Whltfeld, instructed by P. J. Hourl-gim, appeared for Hannah Dooley (formerly Whltehurst), who sought for a divorce from Nicholas Dooley, known as "Mick" Dooley, pugilist, on the ground of desertion.
The parties were married on September 1SSS, In Sydney, at tho ofneo of tho Hegistnir-General. Tho case stood over for evidence ou tho quostion of domicile. ROBERTSON ROBERTSON. Mr. M'Laurln, Instructed by Mr.
W. J. Hogan (by his agents, Messrs. Perkins, Stevenson, and appeared in support of a petition by Jesslo Ellen Robertson (formerly Griffiths), who sought for a divorce from John Robertaou on the ground of desertion. The pacl-? wore mnrried at.
tho Mossglol (N.S.W.) Registry Odice, on Novomber 27, 1901. The decree nisi was grunted, returnable In six months, petitioner to have custody of the children, with costs against, tho respondent. MARGARSON MA RG ARSON. Mr. Young, instructed by Messrs.
Vlndln and Llttlejohn, 'appeared in support of a petition by Emma Elista Margarson (formerly Murphy) for a divorce Trom Benjamin Bowio Edwnrd Margarson, on tho ground of alleged misconduct. Mr. Hodgson, Instructed by Mr Cunningham, appeared for the respondent, who charged the petitioner with desortiou. Tho case stands part heard. P.R0BATE COTTKT.
(Before Mr. JttBtico Street.) EXECUTORS' REMUNERATION. Ro Will of W. Faulks. His Honor said that in this case the executors of the will of William PaulkB asked the court, In assessing their remuneration, to take Into consideration the fact they had incurred trouble and responsibility in carrying out the duty imposed upon them by the will of partitioning mid dividing the testator's real estate among his five Rous.
He could see no reaBtm why they should not bo remunerated for such Borvleos. The Act provided that tho Court might allow out of tho assets of any deceasod person to his executor such commtsBion or percentage for his pains or troublo as was Juat nnd reasonable, and It appeured to him to bo reasonable that when executors. In addition to carrying out tho duties ordinarily incident to tho administration of an ofltate, were also called upon to dlschnrgg other duties imposed Eaiey terms if renaytntnt to suit iKirrov vrlon. lllnpM. .1.
anil' r.n'.. Tilsit and "of rs. BARNE'lT. 11 Foveailx streel. 40 years' stj.ndiiiir.
JU proprietor the 'most successful business of it EST PRIVACY, NO" REGISTRATION. Before deciding Mi call a irreat demand for all kinds ot Ladies'. AX Hotel Brokers, 2A Pitt-st. --Hotel, upon a lAin elsewhere il will pay you to upon will sell. Net profits 100 per year.
A week's trial I r.iUIm 1 In hunP Pantir-nlnt frfin. tak. TD week, lo00. Ise. "i-v "lumtiii, im in oi a tour- wheeled lorry lailrti with about two tuna of bricks.
Eagles unloaded half the bricits, and when the horuea stopped he beat one of them over the head with a pieu of leather. A bystander cautioned him about It, and defendant then picked up piece of wjod and jabtied the horse in the ritH grcaL many tinien with it. The horse lay down and wpicubd. Defendant then hit it again severely with the Wuif The wood was a piece nf Jiti hy 2ln hardwood, abuAt fift long. After the animal rose defendant beat it over the back and hind quarters with tha wood, and the animal was bruised" about the ribs as a result.
The animal exhlbiled no syniptons of vice. It was further stated that the wheels were stuck in the sand, and the horse had no chance 01 drawing thn load. Pwglea was sentenced to imprisonment for a month Willi hard labour. -Hotel. ri VAiTt.wn.
Surry Hills. Tofith'a, ft 7001 13 Athenaeum -chambers, 0 CastlPreugh-siref. and Children's Lcfi-off Clothing. We give 60 p.c. above other dealers.
Old Gold, Teeth, Table Linen, Portmanteaux, Miseellnneous Articles bought. Letters and tcL mesHagcs promptly ut Paddington. (UaSlf BU YERS of "PURNIT URB of every description. Mercliandiso and Job Lines, hichcat nriirpft and uromnt cash. BARNARD and NTANl.KV (IIVATH VENDER), 143 fr-i Pitt-street, between Moore and Hunter s.reetf.
NTERCOLONTAL INVESTMENT, LAND, and B. 14 Moore-street, CITY. W. .1. Douglas, Manager.
ADVERTISER wilf LEND" 5 to" any reasonable security, promissory notes, absolute Telephone, X'78 Central. 140 Castlercagh-strcet. BLTCllKllYrtrain'jiinciioii, 10 bodies, 230 sheep, all '-pjij JJAR DS, HairdresMcr, Tobac, g.od country town. eai.h trade. sppefaL 430.
Djvan, A Pitt-st. billiards clears 7 p.w. Rare chance secure very H- AM. Reef, beat" position, Ncwtn'wiT, genuine wncern450.enns.MELVILjJE, J08 Pitt-st. gd.
373. Dwan. frJA Pitt-st i BARGAIN. II 'dresser 'fl und Tobac. gd.
SLRURHAX 1UU! Agency, good rent roll, chance A- well fitted, tkgs. 20; see this. Ham and Beef, live man, t35 Dunne. 21 Elizaleth-rt. marble fittings, Dayton Scales, bacon cutter, well HALrV 13 and 11 2 Elizntwth-st.
CONFECTIONERY, Tea, Luncheon, Grill Rooms, Hplen- Bhooting through a long tube, and some cartridges fell down. Deceased stooped to pick them up, and while in tho act of straightening up from tho ground another boy accidentally Bred, and the bullet penetrated Campbell's head, and ho droppod dead. The defence was a plea of not guilty. The jury returned a verdict for plaintiff with damages 50. MEDICAL OFFICER AND FRIENDLY SOCIETY.
St. George Clarko and others. Mr. Pitt, instructed by Mr. W.
H. Drew, appeared for plaintiff; and Mr. O'Hoilly. instructed by Mr. R.
Thornton, for defendant. Hugh St. George, of Pltt-stroet, Redfern, medical practitioner, brought an action against James Clarko, of Waverley-stroot, Wavorley, Louis MorrlH, of Market-street, Sydney, Noble, or James and Castlereagh streets, Rod-fern, and A. Redshnw, of Elizabeth-street Sydney, for breach of agreement in not employing him on certain terms. Ho claimed 400.
Plaintiff's case was that It was agreed botweon him and defendants that he should servo thom for a your us medical practitioner at Balary of 31,0, together with the right of prime quality New South Wales, junk or cut sines. detention ua an habitual criminal, and three years were for Btoailng." That speoch was delivered in Novombur, and the old man still figures regulary in tho proas, and ia not dono with yet Somo Conservative papers have beeu following bis subsequent career with the greatest assiduity, and if he were known to ho sleeping In a hayrick the probnblllty is that tho fact would bo Iho subject of discussion In the Houso or Commons. What happened was this. When Mr. Churchill announced, after Mr.
Lloyd Goorge'B speoch, that tho ancient robber of tho poor-box was to be released, be also explained that a place would be found for him. It had been discovered that ho was a Bhepherd by profession, and tliat he possessed the singular gift ot being ubio to call the sheop by their names; and tho authorities would find him a place whom ho could practiso it. He was accordingly let out on tho special condition that ho CWKJSNK "ViS IJISCW NoiiaT gHUSV Mr.AUOWUA.Nk Meadowbank. DIGESTERS. Two ii 3, or larger (mtiat be equal new): also "Blow-off" Tank (1200 gallons).
11. Fv, Herald, Bnuicli, ingtTMU vruok, low 1 secrecy no aeisy. nox isnw. u.r.u. rTY llys'laurant.
30 "beds, takings 110 A PPLY tn Svdnev Finance Office. 106A Castlereurh- II 7fi0. Dunne. Eliznbeth-st. UUJ Ja T.V J.i .7 71w.
Duii rlznuejrWT; Apply P.O., Box 1410. rent, lease, Revta lira nt, full trade, 30 week, a Rift, 140. Dunne, EHwibeth-HL TEST PRICE given for Old Silver, China, Plate, 70 Hunter-street. box 1203. n.p.o.
Xjl street, if you want a Lonn on easy terms. No publicity. No fines. No delay "A the same address for 20 years, X. J.
HERMAN, Britannia Loan Office, llEHMbetlit neiiMa-ketft 317H4 Ce ntrtit UARLK8 K. HALL (Private Finajwleri, Advancea Money upon all classes of Security, Repayable by Instalments. Offices: Australian Mutual VJ.7 Kloff-strePt. TpL. 1410 (Mtv.
BOOKS and SECOND-HAND MUSIC Bought. Cole Book Arcade, 340 George -at. sniin.l eltv rinntn. nnd Co Elirahetht I XT'011 Genuine Refreshment and Mixed aml NKS8, lewide resort; owner leaving district, must (lOLXTItY BUTCHERY FOR SALE, main street, large bcII; proflU 0 weekly. Will sell everything, iticlud- COlllitrv town, mnvl ilmn iurl Hwilliti tr.
Inw rent. 1.. x-'mn uui, wri M.nM Affl.w VI ANTED to Buy, some clean Second-hand FTiRNI- TUHE. NodeaIprR, 284 Oxford-st. Woollabrn.
p-to-riHte plant, good slaughter-yard and piggery, trado 1 irii' 't. iiTZa r.t Ji bodies, 43 sheen, and smalls, good prireS, liatisfac-, rf li HnJ tl ein Si! Il RohIiipms. clparinir 7 to 10 ncr week, same MURPHY nives extreme vnlun iW Wrn nu'vron' nii Jory reason for Belling, low price; no agenU. Particu- "TWO -UP" RAID. As a result of tlie police raid on Saturday on a lofb over a utable in hcnsinglon-street, ity, i men yesterday the Central Police Court, chargtV with heitm concerned in playing "two-up." William Meredith, 42, wan churged with being rinr-inaHter, in oouducling a common gaining hmine.
Mr. .1. ft Abigail, who appeared lor all the accused, entered a plea of guiitv. iJ." t.SJ'-''!!' Ooulder Informed trnt? (Hr' h.mK S-M-) accused liaif given the police t-onsiderablu trouble during the luat; few years. It waa with the utmost difficulty that the police were able to gain uu entrance, owing to the c.instant change of location.
Meredith waa fined .10, with the alternative of six months' imprisonment. Thn arcuKcd was allowed three mouths tn which to pay. The tmargc of being found in a common gaming house with-out lawful exottse wus withdrawn agninst Meredith. A flue of with the option of 14 daypj was imposed in each of thn other cases. The magistrate tn fixing the penalties, said that it waa a case in which he could not show leniencv.
Ib must be very lucrative business, and the polk-i had been caused a lot of trouble. The other defendants were: Edwnrd Clarke. Ooorge Doherty 40; Richard Edwards, 28; William Da' 40; Janiea Woolridge 30; Donald Itoss. Alfred ward Dawson 28; John Crntey, to; J-aep Ii Rvan, il; Farrcll, 42; Frederick Tatter-tall wi liJ JackKon. 21: Richard n.lih os.
r.1'!.- rintlon of Clothing. wi Crown-st, Darl(nirhiirst. lower interest than any other orfice. A. Ml Malt AM.
date fittings. P. Phillips, Perdval-rd. Stanmore, nr. stm (15 Newtown.
Saw Sharpener, tloulhurn-street, city. should remain in the situation found for him IfuVV, Kitchen, Bought. Hoap Exch. tl Rray-st. En Irskineville.
(LAIIKSOX, ha ELfZABETH-SfREET, Ground Floor. 4. Jeinnnun However, ro-lused for a time lo receivo hlm on the terms mentioned. A second count stated that plaintiff entered defendants' omploy as medical and remained bo until he was dlsmlBsod. The defence was thnt Ihoro who removal, good order.
WA.XTED, W.a Cotuge, for rei Price, Zero, cn.Post FISn and OYSTER 8AI.OON, near railway station first-class position, profits 4 10s weekly, ran be greatly iucrcaFrd, price t.O. Apply for particulars to No. 1H0 Botany-road. Alexandria. TM PO UT A T( 1 BOU It S.
A PRIVATE LOANS AT LOW INTEREST. I LEND 3 for 13s," 10 lor 20 for 4fitt, 50 for 13s, IO0 for 10, and large amounts, on Furniture, Pianos, etc. (without possession or ofilee. Aiinandale. LOlitilNC-HOUSE, ciiy, well gift, 46.
MIXED BUSINESS, suit young couple, full value, 30. WINE LICENSE, comer stand, old established, 40. VVANTED to Pnrcluwe, "small "CASlf REGISTER linon them bv ftnmn ntwininl k. ment for the employment of plaintiff by the opposite John-streef. resort, for Sale, birr nrofits.
eontimiaace electorate. Interest under Winn, need 01 inni, aim other Security Apply F. J. CALDWELL, 70 CIONFECTIONERY, Soft Drinka, I. Crcuiii, splendid nt lower interest.
Easy Repayments. No delay op bright shop and 5 rent 14s Ud, charges. Call on me before deciding elsewhere, and by tho Royal' Kocioty for the Assistance of Dlschurgod Prisoners for not lens than six montliu unless he obtained permission of the society to leavo or was dismissed by his employer. Tho farm ho waB sent to was in a vory Isolated position, near Rutkin, tn Denbighshire Two days after his arrival there he quctly vanished. Tho placo whero tho old man had been working was of course kept a profound secret.
But sumo of the Conservative papers managed to will, thoy should bo reasonably remunerated ldefendants; also that plaintiff waa not a duly for any additional pains and trouble Incurred registered medical practitioner, and, there VICE CoLffctionan-: ftt f'--''t ttpt'1: V. )U ami particulars, tun, nersld, Hiiutcr sl. WANTED, PORTABLE ROOM, fair size. Lowest price. 101 TANTED, Fire and Birrglar proof Chubirtrr llanee SAKE, W) by 4(1 I.
Letter, Herald frvWO BILLIARD TABLES, first-class "order. Particulars to Snooker, cure J. W. Jteed, IW Pitt-st. T7ANTEb to BurIL birders: 'it tI1T fc.Wif tDr appointment for will mvr mumy.
M. DAVIDSON, offices: 5 and 0 Wentworth-court, in that way. Ho allowed 2 per cent, on tho capital that had been realised and 3 per cent, on income received. KW cltj TNTEBESTS UNDER i tahfld, nilendld position, near station, next large T'ANCY GOODS, Haberdashery, Toys, d.f. shop, Mil, bin trallie, icood trade, 4 rooms, all conveniences, J-1 5 rent IBs, spl.
chance anyone small IMK reasonable oflcr. 15i.fini'.th-st. Summer Hill, capital; only WilUngton, pcorge-if West. Drinks, rent 0s, suit ladies or, XKARD'inO-HOUSE, fd cl. week, piano, 73 yg.
couple, good living, 20. Janifcion, 108 Pitt-st. 1 MIXED horse, cart, etc, tkg. 23 30 JL Tf mi Wfinf tn SKT.I. mmii tn na an A mill TV when- to be seen, tip.
Haymarket P.O. find It out. It nppeured that the farmer and ward linyon 25; Robert Andrews, Jnscpli HIL 2fi; Ilerhert 3ft; Clifford Morris, 1W; Williain Owler, 24; Erncat Gardner, 20. TLATEGLAS3 SHELVES, two 3 by 0, one 4 by 0, nt vmt I'uriillK-Sl, KOKCIIC The case stands part.hearrl. (Before Judge Scholon.) AN ALLEGED LIBEL.
C'roker M'Nelce. Mr. Norris, Instructed by Mr. W. H.
HcdIoh. ot Bathurst. appearod for plaintiff; and Mr! Bavin, Instructed by MeBsrs. Kershaw, Matthews, nnd Lane, for tho defence. This waa an'actlon brought by Stuart Herbert crokor of liussell-stroet.
Bntliurai VyANTED, 2nd-lmnd PHONOGRAPH (liresldej," sound UE.SCI'INfJ A HORSK. fTBnf oundern, of Ej-tern Avenue, Kensinnttm, wji ny BANKRUPTCY COtJRT. (Before tho Registrar, Mr. P. H.
Snlusbury.) HEARINO OP CREDITORS' PETITIONS. Re Reg. A. Leahy, ex parto Benjamin Revett Lloyd, trading ns Lloyd nnd Collins. Mr.
Roxburgh appeared for petitioner. Leave was given to withdraw tho petition. Re P. H. Ward, ex oarto Baker anrl his wife had quite taken to tho old tnun.
In tho evening, after his work was dono nnd tho sheep wero penned, bo had Bat by tho flresldo telling them stories of his varied experience until far into tho night. Now ho held forth on the delight of freedom, now ho qualified it by Borne slight apppreclntlon riONDiMENT heart of; you a BETTElt PRICE than anyone In Sydney. MURRAY and 87 Elizabeth-street (upstairs), between King and Hunter streets, Sydney. INTERESTS 1'NDER WILLS, DEEDS OF' sETTLE'-MENT. ANNUITIES.
ETC. We are prepared to make Advances on this claw of security at ft per rent, interest. JAMES CARROLL and COMPANY. 1IRIVATE Person wants Left-off CLOTHING of any de- IJKATEH Wanted, second-hand, any nunfber mi to 00 0 pairs. Price, R.
Glebe Post-olllce. for Sale, Fruit 'and Hhop, 4 rent 12s wk. G. Hard, Botany-rd N. Botany.
JjUSIl aiid Chin Saloon, a snap, only Faunee uiul Harrison.JWEDMbeUyt Saie, good stand, cKenp rrat, cv. any trial. Laundry, North Shore P.O. city, estao. iu years, ctear proms tttou per lease 13 yrs to run, low rent, up-to-date plant, CoOl).
II. FRANK, 18 Elizabeth -street. HAIRDRESSING, samo hands 4 2 American Chain. Glass Cases, Mirrors, fitted to date, called away, ii5, worth double, BRAY'S Agency, 141 Klng-fitrpct, Newtown, near MIsspnden-road. rlnmnfrc a-uu WANTED to buy, 0 sheets rSfrGalvTHTOnL 01 tlA ho phlloflo-VV hand).
Ward. 77 Aiinandale. 1 PhlBeil over tho good and evil In tho world, Mr. Drew (inne.nrA.rl fnn L-arltsIo- j'roprieiary, tjtn a i i i wotco, or Carlisle i i.eice. ot 10 lluntcr-strret.
pctlMnnors. Leavo was glvon to Plxnoforle aimnt, torn lihel AM prepared to givo financial assistant to anv I RhR "H'L1 nook, wnvfng hla lone nlno-Btem to omrihnsUi J- respectable person with or without securitv un l-j 10 ito ii.i.u. respeciauic peraon wiiu or wiuinui AIR DRESSING, I good poMtlon," well iu cood DOMtlon, WCf fitted, nnnunv ci. m' iTTT i petition. uuogoa to tie contained In a lottor.
Tho caso Re William Henry Pelsley, ex parto Joel Ihat 1,0 olloctod debts as Phillips. Mr. Atkinson appeared for Among the accounts each point, nnd with tho flreglow outlining hiH wiin inn nregiow outlining niH "-bargain for ml. tradesman. 7...
P.O.. I.Uho-ow. I 1.. any amount. Low rate of interest.
Call or write. tvkv at the I'adilington Pollco Onirl, charged with rescuing a horse on March 13. Sunders ph adi'd not guilty. Edem was given by Joseph Law Ntuke, rt bail Iff, that on the 131 instant he went to defendant 'a residence nnd levied on a horse and also 1hc burneK Witnecu then left with man named Davis, who brotiKht the horse with liim. Jacob John Davit, nlno haiNIT tilted that afler he left Slokca he waa proi-eediug in Hvdtiey with the nnitnal when defendant -rushed acres tlie rond, and asked him whose horse he bad.
Witness told him to mind his own bindness, and that be hud a warrant of possession. Defendant would not look jt the warrant, but kept tugging at the honwi, and even-tually got the horse away from Drfendanr rode away. tiiinders, In defence, said the home wa his brother's He ftaw Davis k-ndlnit tho horve and it away from hlm ami rode it home. Davis did not produce any document. Defendant waa fined 8, with 27a routs, nr In default-three weeks' imprisonment.
tloner. An order was mndo sequestrating tho all i I a 6 whleh defendant was n.TtOCr-UV-B,le.Tfor SilerneeiuirirnosiUon-, I rt n'o 1, opp 1, Si drintf, M' on. VV 5. Kidney," 40 View. Uh.
lhho' hr "ih. iWk seal.fc 10. Orocery, Olebe. P.O. priee em.
F. SII.UV. Crown'treet S-offii "Nlli" WIU ADV llv. prlv irlves hlirbest priee. tor 1 1 Vii ,1 rm" Bnd.hl" wlr" T.ODniNtl.lloi:H.:V8'or 9Tm.i.oodVos1tlon.'lfiow:ifrtAril V3 MUHOAY and JvSUh JSSf.
'TKjftS ff" flit tlt Plaln- "nil mr. u. r. IV. Lloyd i ofllelal assignee.
wroto ann asked for payment, and dofend- TZ-Jn fair retu Lodger, Herald Office, nr 1 ZZ1?" atmb). Sydney, are the ebeapest and Suiekeat. IIIII.D'S.Cnt wanted to buy. and. thn old man seemed to fe.l i.uaii niisivpuu rn.
zrzi liealtli. 114 Itenderaon rd. Alelandrla. I lellin. throinr'h illnrsa.
Ward. 77 ca on Furniture, Plajioa. Miichlncs, Prom. Notes, 1 The next morning ho WHS not thoro. Tho CERTIPIOATE APPLICATIONS would pay when he camo and pWr books Plaintiff claimed gAIRIinKsaiNfl; ToNewneyrprodTTgd; feUgirirlirwi Si fgT nv ire" So Ij lodge i.inen i-ress.
ntiiHL ne eneap, ruimimp tor farmer wan out of tied pretty early but ttio purpose, (loodnian, 187 Pmatta-rd, Weh old man waa out earllor; and from that day lehen. itoiiKhl. or Koau in PXllt. 1'nrl e.ll i 1 thla nt a Ihm i.n. i N'lown.
W. I'antlc. 1:11 King-tt. S'towiuThn ronnrlor. ITcZm.
loweat Xl 4 aaua-ak ntcl 0f HotJungn, 307 lUtg-at, Utth, ASluppltw Advertisement rouUnuat (Uateayr.but not, a clue -eould Our.ttt. toitrado ttor kadwlna: hlmlf saimaotlon ot plaintiff's olalm. nimseU.tO-balnHolvontJ HlaMHxmaiygavQ.L e..